Cómo reportar

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Where to report a loss or accident.



MAPFRE offers a comprehensive and integral placing their orders a nationwide telephone number to report your accident:

Toll free 24 hours Call Center: Tel. 01 (800) 849 8585

PHONE ABROAD RECEIVABLE: Tel. 01 52 (555) 950 7777

Where has a 24 hours 365 days a year. If you have any questions about these services or how to obtain them, please contact your insurance agent or phone above.

You will asked to provide:
  • Policy Number.
  • Name of the insured.
  • Date and time of accident.
  • Address of the event.
  • Contact person and Phone.
  • Nature of Loss.
  • Affected Goods.
If you need extra assistance, you can contact us to this number: 01-52-624-143-1212 ext.1301.
Toll free from US and Canada: 866-376-2289 and/or claims@caboinsurance.com